Credentials and Degrees Aren’t Enough

What you’ll need most in competitive labor markets

Jesse J Rogers
9 min readOct 2, 2023
Photo by Jasmine Coro on Unsplash

[disclaimer: I do not speak on behalf of my employer. Views are my own, expressed with AI assistance]

As a student, you often hear about the pivotal role of credentials and degrees.

We’re told they’re like passports to our professional journey, allowing us to access the good careers which can change our lives. That’s true, but it’s only part of the story. It’s becoming more and more apparent that merely earning a degree is not the golden ticket it once was.

In this article, we’ll discuss the structural reasons why academic credentials and technical certificates are necessary but not sufficient for the current marketplace. Then we’ll talk about some of the sources and tools that can illuminate your decision-making and help you prioritize where to focus your scarce time and energy. Lastly, we’ll outline an action plan to put yourself in the best possible position.

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